Filing Taxes
Filing Your Taxes - Required by Federal Law
The federal tax filing deadline for the Year 2023 is April 15, 2024. If you work during two separate calendar years, you will need to file an income tax return for both years, even if you only work part of both years.
It is required that you file an income tax return since federal, state, and local taxes were deducted from the pay you received while working in the United States. In some cases, participants are eligible for a tax refund, which is a good incentive to file your income tax return!
You must have a copy of a W-2 form from your employer in order to complete the income tax return. The form will show the total amount of your taxes withheld from your paycheck during the calendar year. Employers are required to issue the W-2 form by January 31 for the prior calendar year (January through December).
If you are still in the U.S., please make arrangements with your employer to receive a paper or electronic copy of your W-2.
If you have already returned home, the W-2 form will often be mailed to your home or the agency in your home country. In most cases, your W-2 will be mailed to your agency in your home country in January/February. Some employers will provide your W-2 electronically. When this is the case, the employer will send you instructions on how to download your form.