Work And Travel 2024 Lakewood, CO
I participated in the One World Work and Travel program during the summers of 2022 and 2023. In my first year, I lived and worked in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and this past summer, I spent three months in Lakewood, Colorado, on a J1 visa. The chance to travel and work in the United States is an invaluable opportunity that should not be missed. I am truly grateful to the One World team, a company that has been steadily operating since 2011, enabling hundreds of students to engage with the customs, culture, and work life of the United States. They have consistently instilled confidence in students by offering opportunities to secure jobs and improve their English language skills. Participating in this program has not only enhanced my travel experiences and language proficiency but also allowed me to connect with students from around the world, creating many beautiful memories. This experience remains one of the most memorable in my life as a student. I firmly believe that engaging in the Work and Travel program should be on every student's agenda during this formative period. By setting a goal, rallying support, and executing your plans, you can enjoy living and working in the United States for three months—a dream for students eager to embrace opportunities for travel and adventure.